Help: /timeline.rss
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Tcl 2019 Conference, Houston/TX, US, Nov 4-8
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or submit via the online form by Sep 9.

The "/timeline.rss" page:

URL: /timeline.rss?y=TYPE&n=LIMIT&tkt=HASH&tag=TAG&wiki=NAME&name=FILENAME

Produce an RSS feed of the timeline.

TYPE may be: all, ci (show check-ins only), t (show ticket changes only), w (show wiki only), e (show tech notes only), f (show forum posts only), g (show tag/branch changes only).

LIMIT is the number of items to show.

tkt=HASH filters for only those events for the specified ticket. tag=TAG filters for a tag, and wiki=NAME for a wiki page. Only one may be used.

In addition, name=FILENAME filters for a specific file. This may be combined with one of the other filters (useful for looking at a specific branch).